Prior to Booking a Service please book a
It is very important for us to know that these procedures are the right fit for you. We do have a service for everyone so finding the best service for you is important as all services are customized. We offer a FREE 15 min consultation via phone, email, or in person.
Our Happy Clients
Before & Afters | Very first Session
Real people, Real results!


Yeso Therapy
Slimming weight loss wrap

What We Have to Offer
Natural feeling Eyelashes for any occasion.

Where Can you find us?
Eye Adore You now has a spot inside Rose's Makers Market Boutique located at 226 E. Main St. Auburn WA 98002
Our Shop Eye Adore You Body Sculpting
located: 222 E. Main St Suite M & B Auburn, WA 98002
Follow our Social Media to find our most recent
We attend Pop Up Shops year round, so each month
we can be found in a city near you!

High-End Brands for High-End Consumers

Exclusivity You Deserve

Quality, Guaranteed

High-End Brands for High-End Consumers

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